Visikol Update on Coronavirus – 3/18/2020

Today, it is undeniable that we as a society are going through an absolutely unprecedented time in human history and one which is requiring great sacrifices as well as imparting a substantial human life and economic cost.

In this time, our thoughts and prayers are with all of our clients, customers, collaborators and their families as we hope all of you remain safe and healthy and the economic fall out is not too severe for you and your loved ones.

In addition to the toll this devastating virus has taken on human lives, efforts to contain its spread have begun to put a strain on many biotech and pharmaceutical companies, as they grapple with remotely commanding research and development efforts to continue to bring life saving therapeutics to the patients they serve. As a contract research organization committed to aiding in those efforts by providing assays and services that leverage advanced 3D cell culture, high-content 3D imaging, complex image analysis, and AI-driven data analysis, we believe it is a part of our mission to help sustain the life-saving initiatives of our Clients.

In order to continue to fulfill our commitments to both our clients and our employees, Visikol has taken advanced steps to mitigate the risk to our employees while remaining fully operational until otherwise advised by local, state, or federal officials.

In running Visikol for the last four years, we have been very financially conservative and prudent in that we are profitable and have always kept at least four times our total monthly total expenses as cash for situations like the one we are currently facing which is a significantly stronger financial position than the majority of public and private companies. In addition to our financial preparedness, which will allow us to continue to fulfill both existing and new client projects, we’ve implemented additional cleaning procedures, distanced employee work stations, and have invested in a secure IT infrastructure that will enable remote analysis work if needed.

  • If you currently have a project in progress with Visikol… your Visikol project contact will be in regular communication regarding preliminary results, reporting, and any other consult. Please don’t hesitate to reach out directly if you have any questions!
  • If you’re looking to remotely engage in a new project… reach out to us today at or 1-800-615-8474 to see how we can help! We’re able to set up a remote teleconference to work together to come up with a plan that can help keep your important work progressing, despite these challenging times.

Through this time, we wish you, your family, and friends health and safety. If we can work together throughout the biotech sector through these trying times, we’ll emerge prepared to tackle the next health challenge with ever stronger resolve.

Michael Johnson, PhD

CEO and Co-Founder


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