Visikol HISTO Tissue Clearing Workshop

On January 26th, Visikol is running a tissue clearing workshop at Florida Atlantic University where the Visikol team will give an overview of tissue clearing, 3D microscopy, whole mount immunolabeling and data processing. The tissue clearing workshop will be comprised of a short presentation followed by a demo where the Visikol team will help researchers prep their samples for 3D tissue imaging. The tissue clearing workshop will focus on several key aspects of 3D tissue imaging and dispelling several key myths.

  • Secrets of success – how to dramatically improve your results and reduce optimization time and cost.
  • Choosing the right microscope and objective – what is required for your research question.
  • Why choose one tissue clearing technique over another.
  • Whole mount immunolabeling and fluorescent protein compatibility.
  • How to validate 3D tissue imaging results.
  • How thick of a tissue should you use for your research questions.
  • Tissue clearing for use with 3D cell culture models (e.g. organoids, microtissues, spheroids).
  • Sample preparation for optimal results.
  • 3D microscopy data processing and virtual reality visualization.

Many researchers have struggled with implementing tissue clearing into their research for a wide-range of reasons and it is the focus of the Visikol team to reduce this adoption hurdle. Visikol is committed to making tissue clearing and 3D tissue imaging easy and accessible to all researchers through the Visikol HISTO platform.

If you are interested in hosting a tissue clearing and 3D microscopy demo at your university reach out to the Visikol team at:


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