Visikol presenting at Thermo Scientific HCS User Group Meeting

Visikol, a leader in vitro assays and drug discovery services will be presenting at the Thermo Scientific HCS User Group Meeting later this month. The presentations will be at the John Edward Porter Neuroscience Research Center in Bethesda, Maryland, and Dr. Michael Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of Visikol, will giving one of the seven presentations.

Dr. Johnson’s presentation is titled “Complete characterization of 3D cell culture models through the application of tissue clearing” and he will present 1:00. The 45-minute presentation will discuss the generation of scaffold free 3D cell culture models and their characterization using whole mount 3D labeling, confocal imaging and automated analysis.


9:00-9:45AM: Mark Kennedy, Ph.D. Thermo Fisher Scientific. Scientist III Research & Development.

“Generating neural organoids with and without scaffolds”

9:45-10:30AM: Michael W. Nestor, Ph.D. The Hussman Institute for Autism. Investigator, Neuroscience.

“Developing a 3D based high-content screening platform for cellular and synaptic phenotypes in autism”

10:30-11:15AM: Ravindran Kumaran, Ph.D. National Institutes of Health. NIA. Post-Doctoral Research Scientist.

“High content imaging and phenotypic screens as an investigative tool for neurodegenerative research”

11:15-12:00PM: Steven Frank, Ph.D. Thermo Fisher Scientific. Field Applications Scientist.

“Functional markers of cellular phenotypes in high-content analysis and screening assays”

1:00-1:45PM: Michael Johnson, Ph.D. Visikol. Chief Executive Officer.

“Complete characterization of 3D cell culture models through the application of tissue clearing”

1:45-2:30PM: Sharat Jacob Vayttaden, Ph.D & Orna Ernst Rabinovich, Ph.D. National Institutes of Health. NIAID. Post-Doctoral Research Scientists.

“Investigating macrophage mediated immune signaling using high-content imaging”

2:30-3:15PM: Chi Yun, Ph.D. NYU RNAi Screening Center. NYU School of Medicine. Director, High Throughput Biology Laboratory.

“Cells, chips, and C. elegans: diverse projects at the NYU HTB Laboratory”


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