Visikol to Exhibit and Present at
2022 SOT Annual Meeting in San Diego
Visit Visikol at booth 2018 at the 2022 SOT Annual Meeting in San Diego.
Scheduled Talks:
HUREL Micro Livers for DMPK Studies
March 28, 2022
RM 23A
Session Description:
HUREL Micro Livers are primary hepatocyte co-culture models that are capable of maintaining metabolic and phenotypic stability for up to two months. These models have appeared in over 50 publications and are ideal for evaluating low clearance compounds.
Precision Cut Liver Slices for use in NASH and DILI Studies
March 29, 2022
09:00 AM-10:00 AM
RM 23A
Session Description:
Visikol has developed a precision cut liver slice model and assay using human tissues to simulate NASH disease progression. The NASH PCLS assay can be executed using CCL4 mice, F0-F1 human livers with TGF-B stimulation or F3-F4 diseased livers.