Celebrating HUREL’s One-Year Anniversary

Today marks the one-year anniversary of Visikol acquiring the HUREL® portfolio of Micro Liver products and services. We have been thrilled to have the HUREL team join the Visikol family and together now offer the broadest array of liver in vitro and ex vivo tissue models in the marketplace.

Prior to joining Visikol, HUREL had thoroughly established their liver 2D cell culture system as the gold standard for DMPK studies, metabolite ID studies, metabolite generation studies and metabolic clearance studies. Additionally, the system had been widely published in the fields of viral liver disease modeling and liver toxicity.

“What makes the HUREL Micro Liver system so special is its ability to keep primary hepatocytes metabolically and phenotypically stable for long periods of time. With traditional cell culture approaches, it’s possible to keep primary hepatocytes in culture and viable for long periods of time but the hepatocytes do not function as they would in vivo. Through their unique cell culture approach, HUREL had solved this problem with their Micro Liver system which is why we were so interested in having them join Visikol,” described Visikol CEO Dr. Michael Johnson.

With the HUREL Micro Liver products and services now being offered and produced at the Visikol Hampton, NJ facility, the company has the broadest suite of liver cell culture models in the field. These models include 2D cell culture, 3D cell culture and ex vivo tissue slice models.

“Over the next few years, we plan to expand on the HUREL system and to build ever-more complicated in vitro models which better recapitulate in vivo systems,” explains Visikol CSO Dr. Tom Villani.

Today, over half of the top twenty pharmaceutical companies in the world leverage the HUREL Micro Liver system on a routine basis and the list of publications from the system continually expands. If you are interested in learning more or using the system in your next project, please reach out to our team today.

2022-09-15T07:57:34-05:00Tags: , , |

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