Client Feedback
“The HUREL® co-culture can be applied to accurately estimate intrinsic clearance of slowly metabolized drugs and is now utilized as a standard method for in vivo clearance predictions of such compounds in-house.”
– AstraZeneca, Molecular Pharmaceutics
“In our studies evaluating four low-turnover drugs, the HUREL® co-culture model generated a more robust metabolite profile over seven days than was observed following incubation using hepatocyte suspension.”
– Q2 Solutions, Drug Metabolism & Disposition
Clarinex®: The Hunt for the Unproducible Metabolite
Interspecies Comparison of DMPK Endpoints
Improved Prediction of Hepatotoxicity (or DILI) Using HUREL® Hepatic Co-cultures

HUREL® Microliver Human Hepatocyte Intrinsic Clearance for Slowly Metabolized Compounds