A Review of High Content Imagers for 3D Cell Culture Imaging

Visikol published a post in February 2020 titled, “A Review of High Content Imagers for 3D Cell Culture Imaging.” The Review, in which a small group of users showed a preference for ThermoFisher’s CX7 LZR product, made certain inaccurate statements about PerkinElmer’s Opera Phenix High Content Screening System, specifically that the instrument had average down times as high as 30%. After the publication date, we were advised by PerkinElmer that the average down
time for PerkinElmer’s Opera Phenix High Content Screening System is “significantly less than 30%.” Furthermore, we did not disclose in the Review that Visikol has a business relationship with ThermoFisher in relation to the distribution of tissue clearing products, and we apologize for this oversight. With apologies to PerkinElmer, we have removed the blog post and are issuing this retraction of the Review. As always, we would encourage prospective customers of a HCS imager
to perform their own independent review and assessment of the offerings across the industry to determine the best product and vendor to meet their specific requirements.

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