9 Sterilization Techniques For Cell Culture

One of the basic skills a scientist needs when experimenting with cells is proficiency in handling cells in a proper manner. The maintenance and preserving cells during experimentation is crucial in generating good data.

When handling cells, it is important to practice aseptic methods to prevent contamination and unwanted bacterial growth in the culture. This practice, although fundamental, is essential because it can affect cells to change their gene expressions, alter their viability under suitable conditions and affect other cells in the incubator.

9 Techniques

Scientists at Visikol follow sterile techniques for all projects and handle cells with utmost attention and care. To maintain and execute proper sterile techniques, here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Woman working in hoodSpray your gloves with ethyl alcohol before entering the biohood.
  2. Ensure anything that goes into the hood is sprayed with alcohol and wiped.
  3. Use only sterile equipment in the hood
  4. Open and close any sterile containers in the hood and close them before removing out of the hood
  5. Wear clean, sterile protective personal equipment if needed when handling cells and/or other compounds.
  6. Keep your workspace free from clutter and clean it by wiping your workspace in the hood with alcohol before and after working
  7. Use antibiotics/antimycotic supplements incorporated in the media being used to culture cells to prevent unwanted bacterial/fungal growth.
  8. Make sure to use at least 10% bleach solution to wash and disinfect surfaces.
    When handling cells and before disposing containers containing cells, spray exposed surfaces with 10% bleach to ensure the cells are dead and unable to grow in the container being disposed. Make sure they are disposed in the biohazard bin to be properly disposed.
  9. Ensure all bottles, caps and lids are closed when done using in the hood to prevent cross contamination.

These guidelines are always kept to minimize contamination and unwanted growth in cultures. Visikol practices these aseptic sterile techniques in executing various assays and experiments. Please inquire about any assays you may need for your studies and the various services we offer here at Visikol.

2022-11-30T09:25:27-05:00Tags: , , |

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