Name: Jonathan Linneman
PhD/MS in Biology from Georgia State University
BA in Psychology from Mercer University
Jonathan Linneman
PhD/MS in Biology from Georgia State University
BA in Psychology from Mercer University
-How long have you been at Visikol?
I started in February of 2021, so two years and a few months.
-What do you do at Visikol?
I am a Senior Scientist on the In Vitro team. I’ve probably worked more on liver models than anything else, but I get to take part in a wide variety of experiments, which always keeps things new!
-What’s your favorite project that you’ve worked on here at Visikol?
I got to label and image viruses in a tissue culture model that led to some pretty cool 3D pictures.
-Most challenging part of working in the science field?
The most challenging part is probably recognizing when it’s time to let go of a certain approach to a problem and move on to one that’s more effective. We all want to figure out why things don’t go as we expect, but sometimes it’s more efficient to simply go to Plan B.
-Most rewarding part about working in the science field?
I learn new things about the world every single day!
-How does your department help Visikol accelerate the drug discovery process?
We specialize in assays that provide clear answers to specific research questions that often arise in the early stages of drug development. Data generated by our experiments can indicate which candidates show promise for a specific effect and which can be “weeded out” before wasting any more valuable research time (and money!).
-Fun fact about yourself?
I enjoy helping out at a local sanctuary for farmed animals with disabilities.