Researchers use Visikol HISTO-M to Study Lung Adenocarcinoma
Heatmap of lung cancer tissue section depicting number of CD3+ cells as a function of distance into the tumor. [...]
Carol Tomaszewski2023-01-04T11:16:51-05:00Tags: cancer, Lung, lung cancer, Visikol HISTO-M|
Heatmap of lung cancer tissue section depicting number of CD3+ cells as a function of distance into the tumor. [...]
Carol Tomaszewski2022-11-28T10:48:54-05:00Tags: Imaging mass cytometry, IMC, Immuno-scoring, lung cancer, TNM, tumor-node-metastasis|
Lung cancer has predominated as one of the leading causes of death worldwide, with lung cancer patients facing a [...]
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