

Our core objective as a company is to help Clients and Customers accelerate their drug discovery and research efforts through offering imaging, digital pathology and 3D cell culture models and assay services as well as 3D tissue imaging products. Below is an overview of resources we provide to researchers to help with adopting 3D tissue imaging as well as details on our various services.


High-Throughput 3D Visualization of Cell Proliferation within 3D Cell Culture Models

Non-Destructive and Rapid Skeletal Visualization in DART Studies


Visikol HISTO Getting Started Guide

Visikol HISTO Immunolabeling


Visikol® HISTO™

Tissue clearing reagent and kits for whole 3D tissues.

Visikol® HISTO-M™

Tissue clearing reagents and kits designed for 3D cell culture models.

Visikol® for Plant Biology™

Tissue clearing reagents and kits designed for use with plant samples.

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