Tissue Clearing with BABB

Tissue Clearing with BABB2022-04-26T12:59:37-05:00

     Refractive Index: 1.55   [3]

     Clearing Time: Rapid – days   [3]

     Type: Non-aqueous   [3]

     IHC: Compatible with immunohistochemistry   [3]

     FP: Quenches fluorescent protein   [3]

     Tissue Morphology: Tissue shrinkage   [3]

     Carcinogenicity: Yes   [3]

     Difficulty: Easy-to-use   [3]


BABB is an abbreviation for Benzyl Alcohol/ Benzyl Benzoate whereas the solution is comprised of two parts benzyl benzoate and one part benzyl alcohol [1]. BABB has been used as an optical clearing agent for decades and works very well for many applications such as the clearing of bones [2]. BABB is compatible with immunolabeling and clears tissues quickly, but quenches fluorescent proteins.

While BABB is a very rapid tissue clearing technique, it will cause tissues to shrink and can damage microscope lenses. Leica has though developed a 20x objective specifically for use with BABB (Leica BABB Objective). Tissues that are been left in BABB for too long will eventually become brittle and fall apart.



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