Did you miss the Visikol team at SLAS but still want to learn about what is new in the field of 3D cell culture and advanced high content imaging? Check out this blog post where we show you what you missed.
At this year’s SLAS conference in San Diego, the Visikol team was busy with presenting three talks and two posters during the trade show. The focus of the talks was broadly on using advanced 3D cell culture models to model disease progression and how advanced multiplex imaging tools can be used to extract meaningful insights from these models.
Visikol CEO Michael Johnson PhD gave a talk titled Multiplexed Imaging of Slides and 3D Cell Culture Models for Deep Tissue Interrogation where he described how multiplex fluorescent imaging can be used to profile the complex interplay between immune cells associated with immuno-oncology therapeutics. In this talk, Dr. Johnson provided extensive detail on the advantages and disadvantages with varying multiplex approaches such as fluorescent based microscopy or imaging mass cytometry. To read more on multiplexing click below:
Visikol Head of Services Erin Edwards PhD gave two talks focused on 3D cell culture models assays titled Characterization of Immune Cell Infiltration for Use in Immuno-Oncology Screening Programs and Use of High Content Imaging and 3D Cell Culture to Model Steatosis, Inflammation, and Fibrosis in the Context of NASH. The talks from Dr. Edwards focused on Visikol’s agnostic and open source approach to 3D cell culture models and how high content imaging can be used to extract multi-channel readouts from these models. Dr. Edwards discussed how these screening paradigms are highly flexible and can be used to understand a wide range of immuno-oncology related research questions and how different NASH biologies can be leveraged to minimize cost and to maximize throughput when characterizing different stages of disease progression. To learn more about these assays click below.