Visikol Expands Image Analysis as a Service Capabilities

Visikol is one of the leading providers of digital pathology services and partners with researchers to assist them in not only the analysis of their slides using best-in-class digital pathology tools, but also with sample preparation, immunolableing, multiplexing and slide scanning. However, over the last few years, many researchers have reached out to Visikol to leverage their unique image analysis expertise for projects outside the scope of traditional digital pathology.

Imaging data sets are generated through drug discovery research projects using a wide-range of imaging modalities such as optical projection tomography, optical coherence tomography, echocardiogram, light sheet microscopy, MRI and X-ray CT. While many research groups have the capability to generate these data sets inhouse, a lot of research groups struggle with transforming these large and sometimes noisy data sets into actionable insights that allow them to make more informed decisions during the drug discovery process.

“At Visikol, we have assisted many pharma and biotech companies with making sense of large multi-dimensional data sets and extracting key quantitative metrics. We find that most off-the-shelf image analysis platforms are limited in their flexibility and a lot of research groups reach out to us when they need help with building customized image analysis solutions,” described Visikol Chief Science Officer Dr. Tom Villani.

To start an image analysis project with Visikol, Clients discuss with the Visikol project team the types of end-points they are interested in and the details of their specific research question. Clients will then send along a hard drive of data or upload files to Visikol’s secure cloud-based file sharing platform. From this data, Visikol can apply its 3Screen™ image analysis tools which are a suite of digital pathology algorithms designed for use with both two-dimensional and three-dimensional image data sets. These tools are ultimately used to transform the data sets provided by Clients into actionable insights that allow Clients to make more informed decisions during the drug discovery processes.

“Over the last few years, we have worked with Clients on projects ranging from analyzing 40-plex multiplex slide data sets and processing thousands of in vivo optical coherence retina imaging data sets to identifying novel image-based biomarkers such as in our recent work with Enzyvant Therapeutics,” described Visikol Director of Imaging Services Dr. Graeme Gardner. While there are many digital pathology companies in the marketplace today offering services as well as off-the-shelf digital pathology solutions, Visikol has become a leader in this space through its expertise with multi-dimensional datasets, on-demand custom software development and image analysis software validation and clinical deployment.


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