An Introduction to Antibody Panel Design
Immunofluorescence, a common histology labeling technique, relies on antibodies and their attached fluorescent tags to produce images by the [...]
Immunofluorescence, a common histology labeling technique, relies on antibodies and their attached fluorescent tags to produce images by the [...]
Cell Profiler is a wonderful software for batch processing of cell images, but the available functions are limited compared [...]
Each morning the first thing a person does is think about their day. It may start with making coffee [...]
As a company focused on 3D cell culture models and assays, we see a lot of cool and exciting [...]
A retinal organoid cleared using the Visikol HISTO clearing technique and imaged using confocal microscopy at 10X magnification. DAPI [...]
With the many image analysis services that Visikol has to offer, cell counting is by far one of the [...]
Diabetes affects approximately 37.3 million people and can lead to both short-term and long-term consequences. The most common type [...]
Immunofluorescent labeling is a very useful tool in both in vitro and in vivo studies, and there are many [...]
Notoriously known for its symptoms of mental decline, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a common disease that is mainly found [...]
Hepatitis B virus causes chronic infections in 250 million people worldwide. HBV cccDNA is responsible for the cause of [...]