The Advantages of Highly Multiplexed IHC Services

Tissue profiling is a critical aspect of drug discovery and development, as it involves analyzing the molecular composition of tissues to identify new drug targets, biomarkers, and therapeutic interventions. Traditional methods of tissue profiling, such as single-marker immunohistochemistry, have limitations in terms of the number of markers that can be analyzed simultaneously, making it challenging to obtain a comprehensive understanding of complex biological systems. However, Visikol’s highly-multiplexed immunohistochemistry services offer a game-changing solution to this problem, providing scientists with a powerful tool to analyze multiple molecular markers in a single tissue sample.

Unprecedented Detail of Samples

Visikol’s highly-multiplexed immunohistochemistry services allow for the profiling of tissues with 10+ markers on a single slide, providing unprecedented detail about samples. Using their proprietary EasyPlex antibody stripping reagent and co-registration software, multiple rounds of sequential labeling can be conducted from the same slide, thereby reducing costs and increasing efficiency. The service uses fluorescent slide scanning or confocal microscopy to image labeled samples in 5 channels for each round at 10x, 20x, or 40x. The imaging data acquired from multiple rounds of labeling is co-registered using custom-built image processing algorithms to create a highly-multiplexed fluorescence image stack. Quantitative analysis of image data allows for the measurement of cell populations at unprecedented detail within a single sample.

Advanced Imaging and Analysis

Visikol’s highly-multiplexed immunohistochemistry services rely on advanced imaging and analysis techniques, including digital slide imaging and AI-enhanced image analysis, to capture a large number of valuable endpoints from a single specimen. Digital slide imaging allows for high-resolution scanning of whole slide images, providing a permanent digital record of the sample. This eliminates the need for repeated staining and enables remote access to the images by researchers and clinicians worldwide. AI-enhanced image analysis utilizes machine learning algorithms to detect and quantify cells and structures of interest, reducing the time and effort required for manual analysis. This approach enables the identification of subtle changes in tissue composition and architecture, which can be used to develop novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets.

Customized Research

Visikol’s highly-multiplexed immunohistochemistry services are highly versatile and can be customized to suit the specific research needs of scientists working in pharma or medical research. Visikol offers validated panels of antibodies designed for immunological profiling, or clients can work with their team to design a custom panel to suit their needs. This allows for flexibility in terms of the type of markers analyzed, the number of rounds of labeling, and the imaging resolution used. The ability to customize the services ensures that scientists obtain the data they need to make informed decisions about drug development, clinical trials, and patient care. If you’re interested in learning more, please reach out to a member of our team today!

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