Visikol HISTO Assay Services

Our long-term goals as a company are to improve the drug discovery process and the diagnosis of disease. This quarter, we are excited to launch our offering of assay development services for microtissues in drug discovery by leveraging our Visikol HISTO technology. Currently, high content imaging of microtissues introduces an unavoidable bias, since microtissues are too thick and opaque, and thus only the outermost cells can be detected. The outermost cells are more exposed to nutrients, oxygen, drug compounds, etc. with respect to the innermost cells, and thus characterization of microtissues has been fundamentally limited. Using Visikol HISTO, microtissues are rapidly rendered transparent allowing for the characterization of effects of drug candidates on the complete population of cells contained within microtissues. With Visikol HISTO, you can break down the effects of a drug compound according to populations of cells segregated by cell-type, location in the microtissue, etc.

For more information on our drug discovery services and to see if your research question can be answered with our platform, email us at or check out Visikol Services.

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