Education Focused

Education Focused2019-09-14T18:22:45-05:00

Visikol® for Plant Biology™ makes it easy for students to get the most out of using a microscope, allowing them to connect textbook knowledge with laboratory practical lab experience. Used in a number of biology classrooms, Visikol for Plant Biology enables educators to engage their students in deep and enriching lessons featuring the beauty of the microscopic world. Below is an example lesson plan that can be used with Visikol for Plant Biology.

In this botanical laboratory lesson, students learn how to differentiate different organs in plant tissues. This exercise helps to understand and reason about the relationship between structure and function of plant tissues. This hands-on experience motivates and engages students in biology classes, and excites them to learn more about the world of botany.

Reproduced with permission of A.R. Koroch T.S. Villani and J.E. Simon

Visikol® for Plant Biology™