Scientist Spotlight, Megan Casco, Ph.D.

Name: Megan Casco, Ph.D.

Institutions: Ph.D. in Bioengineering from Clemson University

B.S. in Bioengineering with a materials concentration from Clemson University


-How long have you been at Visikol?

3 years

-What do you do at Visikol?

I am the Associate Director of In Vitro and Histology, and my job entails the designing, high-level project management of, as well as the execution of projects for our clients.

-What’s your favorite project that you’ve worked on here at Visikol?

I am biased towards any projects that use our immune infiltration model. It never gets old seeing the immune cells do their job when it comes to cancer cells. One of the more interesting projects I have done was working with CAR-T cells in this model.

-Most challenging part of working in the science field?

The most challenging part of working in a science field would be that you can make the most detailed project/experimental plan in the world, consider every factor you can think of, and something will still go wrong or not work the way you expected. Science has so many variables that you just can’t account for everything. Accepting that fact is difficult to do and can be very discouraging at times.

-Most rewarding part about working the science field?

The most rewarding part about working in the science field is knowing that the work I do today will have an effect on medical treatments in the future.

-How does your department help Visikol accelerate the drug discovery process?

We use our assays, or develop new ones, to help clients answer the questions that they have about their compounds or treatments at varying stages of their drug discovery process.

-Fun fact about yourself?

Unofficial position is ‘The Ruiner of Diets.’ I really enjoy baking and the desserts always end up in the break room.

2023-06-28T06:43:50-05:00Tags: |

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