The Importance of In Vitro Models in Drug Discovery: A Focus on the Blood-Brain Barrier

Drug discovery and development is a complex and expensive process that involves the identification and optimization of compounds that can effectively treat diseases. One of the biggest challenges in drug development is the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a highly selective semipermeable membrane that separates circulating blood from the central nervous system. The BBB protects the brain from fluctuations in plasma composition, pathogenic agents, and maintains homeostasis of the brain parenchyma. However, poor penetration of the BBB is the cause for attrition for 95% of drugs developed for neurological disorders. In vitro models, such as Visikol’s BBB in vitro model, allow for the assessment of compound transport across the barrier as well as the effect of compounds on the structure and function of the BBB.

In Vitro Models

In vitro models offer several advantages over in vivo models, including cost-effectiveness, high-throughput screening, and the ability to study specific cell types. In vitro models can also be used to address ethical concerns related to the use of animals in drug development.

Visikol’s in vitro BBB permeability assay is a gold-standard testing platform that assesses the penetration kinetics of molecules passing across the BBB and allows for the exploration of potential molecules that can modulate BBB permeability. The assay is validated with control compounds and reference compounds, and the results show a positive relationship between the apparent permeability seen within in vivo systems to in vitro models. Visikol’s expertise in advanced imaging and image analysis, 3D cell culture models, and AI-enhanced digital pathology allows for the transformation of tissues into actionable insights and bridging the gap between in vitro assays and in vivo results through the use of best-in-class cell culture models.

The Blood Brain Barrier Permeability Assay

The BBB permeability assay offered by Visikol is critical for drugs targeting regions of the brain, as poor penetration of the BBB is the cause for attrition for 95% of drugs developed for neurological disorders. Disruption of the BBB is observed in many neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury, and is frequently induced by neuroinflammation. Visikol’s in vitro model is cultured over 4 days to establish a viable barrier and dosed with test articles for twenty-four hours. The assay service allows for both compound transport across the barrier to be studied as well as the effect of compounds on the structure and function of the BBB. The apparent permeability of test compounds in either the apical or basal direction and the change in apparent permeability of BBB due to the effect of drug compound can be measured.

In vitro models are critical for drug discovery and development, especially in the case of neurological disorders where the BBB poses a significant challenge. Visikol’s in vitro BBB permeability assay is a gold-standard testing platform that allows for the assessment of compound transport across the barrier as well as the effect of compounds on the structure and function of the BBB. The assay can help accelerate drug discovery and development by providing critical insights into the penetration kinetics of molecules passing across the BBB and the modulation of BBB permeability due to drug treatment. Visikol’s expertise in advanced imaging and image analysis, 3D cell culture models, and AI-enhanced digital pathology makes it a valuable partner for pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical scientists, biochemists, medicinal chemists, pharmacologists, and toxicologists.

If you are interested in learning more about Visikol’s in vitro Blood Brain Barrier Permeability Assessment, please reach out to a member of our team today.

2023-07-12T07:15:01-05:00Tags: , |

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