Tissue Clearing with FocusClear™

Tissue Clearing with FocusClear™2019-07-22T19:51:02-05:00

Refractive Index: 1.47 [1]

Clearing Time: Rapid – hours to days [1]

Type: Aqueous

IHC: Compatible with immunostaining [1]

FP: Compatible with fluorescent protein   [1]

Tissue Morphology: No tissue swelling or shrinking   [1]

Carcinogenicity: No   [1]

Difficulty: Easy-to-use

With the exception of Visikol HISTO, FocusClear™ is one of the only other commercial optical clearing agents on the market. FocusClear is a proprietary formula which was originally developed for clearing fruit fly brains and is now sold by CelExplorer Labs. FocusClear is a proprietary mixture of chemicals but its active component is diatrizoic acid. FocusClear is able to quickly render tissues transparent and is compatible with both immunolabeling and fluorescent proteins. However, FocusClear is very expensive as 5 mL costs $180 ($36 per mL)

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