Visikol Adds the Leica Aperio VERSA 8 Fluorescent Slide Scanner

Visikol added the Leica Biosystems’ Aperio VERSA 8 slide scanner to its services as the company expands its suite of imaging tools. The VERSA 8 slide scanner is capable of high resolution brightfield and fluorescent slide scanning and joins the company’s imaging core which includes several confocal imaging systems, high content imaging systems, slide scanning, optical projection tomography and light sheet imaging.

The autoloading and autoscanning VERSA 8 offers tissue scanning for both brightfield and fluorescent tissue samples and offers 5X to 63X slide scanning. Alongside Visikol’s proprietary image analysis tools, the VERSA 8 provides clients with the ability to transform their tissue sections into quantitative insights.

This new imager along with Visikol’s other slide scanners and high content imaging systems will be integral to Visikol’s recently launched multiplexing services which allow researchers to image ten plus labels on their tissue samples. This ability to survey multiple markers simultaneously provides the opportunity to understand complex biological functions such as the interplay between immune cells in regard to an immuno-therapeutic treatment. Traditionally, slide labeling has been limited by the number of labels and imaging resolution yet, multiplexing allows researchers to get multiple endpoints on single tissue sample.

The VERSA 8 will be at the forefront of the Visikol’s multiplex immunofluorescence services and will allow for affordable, timely and high-quality data sets which are the goals of each client project.

If you are interested in learning more about Visikol’s imaging capabilities, slide scanning analysis or multiplex approach, please reach out today.

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