HALO® Image Analysis Platform Added to Visikol’s Digital Pathology Services

Visikol understands that modern medicine requires detailed understanding not only of the disease but of the body’s response to it. Visikol’s histopathology laboratory can support every stage of the tissue analysis process, from sample excision and processing to staining and pathological analysis. The team of experienced histologists and technicians ensure client samples are optimally prepared for downstream analysis and interpretation through digital analysis or by a pathologist. At Visikol, clients are provided with the ability to move beyond traditional slide labeling and imaging, utilizing tools such as the HALO® Image Analysis Platform to transform images of their slides into quantitative data and insights.

For most of Visikol’s slide imaging client projects, it follows conventional histopathological processing but has developed several tools for multiplex slide imaging which allow for the labeling, imaging and quantification of 4-20+ markers per slide. This process involves digitization with Leica Versa slide scanners typically at 40X in brightfield or fluorescence. The data generated can then be delivered digitally to clients or analyzed using platforms such as the HALO® image analysis from Indica Labs to transform the immense amount of data generated into useful insights.

The Image Analysis Team at Visikol utilizes the different HALO® Image Analysis Platform modules for Histology and Multiplexing services. HALO® reports morphological and multiplexed expression data on a cell-by-cell basis across entire tissue sections and maintains an interactive link between cell data and cell image. The Multiplex IHC module separates up to five stains simultaneously within any cellular compartment (nucleus, cytoplasm or membrane) and can be used for a variety of IHC applications. The Object Colocalization module can be used to count and measure up to two labeled objects in brightfield. The module outputs object number, object density, object inner and outer area, object diameter (min/max/median), and average object optical density. Information regarding object colocalizations can be outputted if applicable.

Interested in working with Visikol for tissue imaging and digital pathology? Please click here to contact our team!

Breast Cancer Fluorescent Image

Fluorescent image breast cancer tissue sample

Breast Cancer Colocalization Analysis

Image of Breast Cancer Colocalization Analysis

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