Come Visit Visikol at Booth #233 at SLAS in San Diego

The Visikol team will be at the annual SLAS conference in San Diego where it will be presenting several talks on advances in 3D cell culture assays as well as multiplex imaging. As a leader in advanced imaging and 3D cell culture assays, Visikol is continually improving its service offering and SLAS is a great opportunity to present what the team has been working on.

SLAS this year will be at the San Diego Convention Center from Jan 25th to Jan 29th and the Visikol team will be at booth 223 throughout the conference. At this year’s SLAS conference, Visikol will present several talks on the exhibition floor throughput the conference that will be broadly focused on 3D cell culture, advanced imaging and multiplex analysis. Specifically, the Visikol team will discuss its NASH 3D cell culture assays for assessing steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis as well as a 2D cell culture approach for characterizing immune cell synapses for use in immuno-oncology screening programs. Additionally, Visikol will discuss broadly its approaches to multiplex imaging of both intact 3D cell culture models and traditional tissue sections from whole tissues.

“Our focus as a company has always been to transform tissues into data and to mine this data for actionable insights. We find that our Clients are not terribly interested in raw data, they are interested in insights which allow them to make more informed decisions as part of their drug discovery programs,” described Visikol CEO Dr. Michael Johnson. To this end, Visikol will discuss through the talks its approaches to not only characterize the complex spatial information contained within complex three-dimensional cell culture models but also approaches for gathering multiplexed data to answer multiple research questions simultaneously.

“A lot of researchers do not realize the advantages that multiplex imaging provides in the context of 3D cell culture model evaluation wherein we can answer several individual and counter-dependent research questions at the same time. For example, we can study the penetration kinetics of immune cells into a tumor model while also understanding secondary effects such as apoptosis and if there is preferential cell death in different types of cells,” described Visikol Head of Services Dr. Erin Edwards.

Over the last few years, the field of 3D cell culture models has dramatically changed and matured and with these changes, Visikol is continually working to improve the utility of 3D cell culture models and also to maximize their effectiveness while reducing their cost to adopt. Throughout the SLAS conference, experts in imaging, image analysis and 3D cell culture models will be present at the Visikol booth. If you are interested in discussing your next project with the team, stop by the booth or check out one of the Visikol sponsored events below.

Solutions Spotlight Info:

Use of High Content Imaging to Compare 2D and 3D Cell Culture Approaches to Model Steatosis, Inflammation, and Fibrosis in the Context of NASH

Session: Solutions Spotlight

Monday January 27, 2020

2:30 PM – 2:50 PM

Multiplexed Imaging of Slides and 3D Cell Culture Models for Deep Tissue Interrogation

Session: Solutions Spotlight

Tuesday January 28, 2020

10:30 AM – 10:50 AM

Characterization of Immune Cell Synapses for Use in Immuno-Oncology Screening Programs

Session: Solutions Spotlight

Tuesday January 28, 2020

2:00 PM – 2:20 PM

2019-12-18T08:52:29-05:00Tags: , , , , |

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